We simulate a stationary Markov process associated with a transition density $p_\tau (y | x)$ (the probability of finding the system in state $y$ at time $\tau$ given that it was in state $x$ at time $0$).
This process propagates probability densities in time like this: $$ \begin{align} \rho_{t+\tau}(y) &= \int dx \rho_t(x) p_\tau(y | x)\\ &= \mathcal{P} \circ \rho_t(x) \end{align}$$
Where $\mathcal{P}$ is the dynamical propagator. This object is a complete description of our dynamics.
We're interested approximating $\mathcal{P}$ compactly. We can think of this operator as an infinite sum of functions. If we want to approximate $\mathcal{P}$ using $m$ functions or fewer, the variational principle states that the best choice we can make for those functions is to take the leading $m$ eigenfunctions of $\mathcal{P}$.
We can state this as an optimization problem: we want to find a collection of functions that jointly maximize:
$$\text{argmax}_{f_1, f_2,\dots, f_m} \text{trace}(P Q^{-1})$$where
Given a simulation trajectory $\{x_t\}_{t=1}^T$, we can plug in empirical estimates for the entries of $P$ and $Q$ to estimate the Rayleigh quotient of a collection of $m$ trial functions. The most straightforward estimate is:
The big question then becomes: how do we structure the search for $f_1, f_2,\dots, f_m$?
If we have a fixed set of basis functions, we can find the best linear combinations of these basis functions in one step by finding generalized eigenvectors of these matrices (tICA, MSMs). A good chunk of research focuses on ways to identify good basis functions automatically, so that we can then apply the linear variational approach.
tICA: When the user chooses their basis functions before looking at the data (for example, "features" like internal angles or distances), this leads to tICA.
MSMs: The user can also choose basis functions adaptively, after looking at the data. One way to do that is to define a partition of configuration space into indicator functions, which we can do by clustering. As input to clustering, we require a distance metric and a collection of points. We can estimate virtually any kinetic property we want from a MSM. Current state of the art for parameterizing MSMs from data is to learn the distance metric as a linear combination of input "features," such that the metric is somehow kinetically meaningful (e.g. it preserves diffusion distances or commute distances -- this can be done by performing tICA and scaling the projection along each component appropriately, or using locally-adaptive metric learning methods such as locally scaled diffusion maps). The user then selects a number of cluster centers, and performs clustering w.r.t. the learned metric. We then use the collection of indicator functions on each cluster as our basis set.
Kernel tICA: Kernelized variant of tICA. However, its cost scales cubically with the number of samples, and it still is sensitive to user choice of a relevant kernel.
Hyperparameter optimization: Due to complicated interactions between various user choices throughout the MSM-building pipeline, this is repeated iteratively until we have a satisfactory model: the user picks initial basis functions (maybe selecting from a collection of possible input features), applies tICA to those basis functions to achieve the best linear approximation of the eigenfunctions (where we expect Euclidean distances will be kinetically meaningful), then applies clustering to the tICA-transformed basis to construct a final basis set. We then have specialized estimators for the transition matrix when the basis set is a partition. We then look at various functions of the transition matrix to validate it. If the distance metric was chosen poorly, the cluster shapes might be a poor representation of the metastable states of the system. If the clustering is too fine, then the matrix elements in $P$ and $Q$ may be too noisy to estimate.
In [85]:
import autograd.numpy as np
from autograd.numpy import random as npr
from autograd import grad
from autograd.util import flatten
from autograd.optimizers import adam
import autograd.scipy.stats.multivariate_normal as mvn
from autograd.scipy.misc import logsumexp
import pyemma
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
In [307]:
class NeuralApproximatePropagator():
'''Use a multilayer perceptron to approximate the top m eigenfunctions
of the Markov propagator that generated your time series.
Parts of this are adapted from the autograd example
def __init__(self,
lag = 10,
m = 2,
n_clusters = 50,
hidden_layer_dims = [256, 64],
minibatch_size = 5000,
param_scale = 0.1,
nonlinearity=lambda x:np.maximum(0, x),
L2_reg = 0.1
lag : lag-time for estimation
m : number of propagator eigenfunctions to recover
hidden_layer_dims : dimensions of hidden layers
minibatch_size : number of time-lagged observation pairs per minibatch
param_scale : MLP weights are randomly initialized
nonlinearity : elementwise nonlinear function (default: ReLU)
self.lag = lag
self.m = m
self.n_clusters = n_clusters
self.hidden_layer_dims = list(hidden_layer_dims)
self.minibatch_size = minibatch_size
self.param_scale = param_scale
self.nonlinearity = nonlinearity
self.L2_reg = L2_reg
def rayleigh_quotient(self, X_0_minus_tau, X_tau):
'''trace of P Q^{-1}
- $P_{ij} = \mathbb{E}_{x \sim \pi(x)}[f_i(x) \cdot (\mathcal{P} \circ f_j(x))]$ and
- $Q_{ij} = \mathbb{E}_{x \sim \pi(x)}[f_i(x) \cdot f_j(x)]$.'''
P = np.dot(X_0_minus_tau.T, X_tau) / len(X_tau)
Q = np.dot(X_0_minus_tau.T, X_0_minus_tau) / len(X_0_minus_tau)
return np.trace(np.dot(P, np.linalg.inv(Q)))
def neural_net_predict(self, params, inputs):
x = self.neural_net_transform(params, inputs)
y = np.vstack([np.sum(np.abs(x - params[-1].T[i]),1) for i in range(len(params[-1].T))]).T
return y
def neural_net_transform(self, params, inputs):
for W, b in params[:-1]:
outputs = np.dot(inputs, W) + b
inputs = self.nonlinearity(outputs)
return outputs
def transform(self, X):
return [self.neural_net_transform(self.params, x) for x in X]
def init_random_params(self, scale, layer_sizes, rs=npr.RandomState(0)):
layer_params = [(scale * rs.randn(m, n), # weight matrix
scale * rs.randn(n)) # bias vector
for m, n in zip(layer_sizes[:-1], layer_sizes[1:])]
cluster_centers = [rs.randn(layer_sizes[-1], self.n_clusters)]
return layer_params + cluster_centers
def flatten_params(self, params):
return np.concatenate([np.concatenate([W.flatten(), b.flatten()]) for W,b in params])
def fit(self, X, num_iters = 1000, step_size = 0.001, report_interval = 100):
stacked_X = np.vstack([x[:-self.lag] for x in X])
stacked_Y = np.vstack([x[self.lag:] for x in X])
dim = X[0].shape[1]
layer_sizes = [dim] + self.hidden_layer_dims + [self.m]
init_params = self.init_random_params(self.param_scale, layer_sizes)
def objective(params, iter):
''' minibatch estimator of -log(rayleigh quotient) '''
inds = np.arange(len(stacked_X))
inds = inds[:self.minibatch_size]
x = self.neural_net_predict(params, stacked_X[inds])
y = self.neural_net_predict(params, stacked_Y[inds])
return - np.log(self.rayleigh_quotient(x, y)) + self.L2_reg * np.sum(self.flatten_params(params)**2)
# Get gradient of objective using autograd!
objective_grad = grad(objective)
print(" Epoch | Rayleigh Quotient")
def save_params_and_print_perf(params, iter, gradient):
self.params = params
if iter % report_interval == 0:
x = self.neural_net_predict(params, stacked_X)
y = self.neural_net_predict(params, stacked_Y)
rq = self.rayleigh_quotient(x, y)
print("{:15}|{:20}".format(iter//report_interval, rq))
self.params = adam(objective_grad, init_params, step_size=step_size,
num_iters=num_iters, callback=save_params_and_print_perf)
return self
In [343]:
from msmbuilder.example_datasets import MetEnkephalin
from msmbuilder.featurizer import DihedralFeaturizer
X = DihedralFeaturizer(['phi', 'psi', 'omega', 'chi1', 'chi2', 'chi3', 'chi4']).fit_transform(MetEnkephalin().get().trajectories)
In [344]:
In [345]:
sum(map(len, X)) - lag
In [346]:
# let's just try to find the best linear projection first
In [347]:
m = 2
n_clusters = 8
lag = 10
adaptive_vac = NeuralApproximatePropagator(lag = lag, m = m, n_clusters = n_clusters,
hidden_layer_dims=[], nonlinearity=lambda x:x)
In [348]:
tica = pyemma.coordinates.tica(X, lag=lag)
X_tica = tica.get_output()
X_tica_ = np.vstack(X_tica)
c = X_tica_[:,0]
neural_proj = adaptive_vac.transform(X)
x = np.vstack(neural_proj)
plt.scatter(x[:,0], x[:,1], c=c,
linewidths=0, s = 1, cmap='Spectral')
neural_proj = [adaptive_vac.neural_net_predict(adaptive_vac.params, x) for x in X]
x = np.vstack(neural_proj)
plt.scatter(x[:,0], x[:,1], c=c,
linewidths=0, s = 1, cmap='Spectral')
In [349]:
# tica of raw basis functions
tica = pyemma.coordinates.tica(X, lag=lag)
X_tica = tica.get_output()
X_tica_ = np.vstack(X_tica)
c = X_tica_[:,0]
plt.title('Projection onto linear approximate eigenfunctions')
plt.scatter(X_tica_[:,0], X_tica_[:,1], c=c,
linewidths=0, s = 1, cmap='Spectral')
# tica of neural basis functions
neural_proj = adaptive_vac.transform(X)
neural_tica = pyemma.coordinates.tica(neural_proj, lag=lag, dim=2)
X_tica = neural_tica.get_output()
X_tica_ = np.vstack(X_tica)
plt.title('Projection onto nonlinear approximate eigenfunctions\n(Colored by tIC1)')
plt.scatter(X_tica_[:,0], X_tica_[:,1], c=c,
linewidths=0, s = 1, cmap='Spectral')
In [ ]:
In [350]:
def build_msm(X_proj, lag):
kmeans = pyemma.coordinates.cluster_kmeans(X_proj, k = 200, max_iter = 100)
dtrajs = [dtraj.flatten() for dtraj in kmeans.get_output()]
msm = pyemma.msm.estimate_markov_model(dtrajs, lag = lag)
print('\tMSM GMRQ-m: {0:.3f}'.format(np.sum(msm.eigenvalues()[:m])))
print('\tFull trace of MSM transition matrix: {0:.3f}'.format(np.trace(msm.P)))
print('\tSum of all MSM timescales: {0:.3f}'.format(np.sum(msm.timescales())))
print('\tFirst few MSM timescales: {0}\n'.format(msm.timescales()[:5]))
return msm
def compare_on_msms(X, optimized_params, lag, m):
neural_proj = [neural_net_predict(optimized_params, x) for x in X]
m = neural_proj[0].shape[1]
print('Projected onto neural-approximate eigenfunctions (retained_dim={0})'.format(m))
neural_msm = build_msm(neural_proj, lag)
neural_tica = pyemma.coordinates.tica(neural_proj, lag)
print('Projected onto tICA-rescaled neural-approximate eigenfunctions (retained_dim={0})'.format(min(neural_tica.ndim, m)))
neural_tica_msm = build_msm([x[:,:m] for x in neural_tica.get_output()], lag)
tica = pyemma.coordinates.tica(X, lag)
print('Projected onto tICA-approximate eigenfunctions (retained_dim={0})'.format(min(tica.ndim, m)))
tica_msm = build_msm([x[:,:m] for x in tica.get_output()], lag)
return neural_msm, neural_tica_msm, tica_msm
def compare_timescales(timescales_list, m = 10):
colors = ['blue', 'purple', 'green', 'red', 'orange']
yscales = ['linear', 'log']
xmax = 0
for yscale in yscales:
# timescales plot
for i, (name, timescales) in enumerate(timescales_list):
curve = timescales[:m]
plt.plot(curve,'.', color=colors[i], label=name)
plt.fill_between(range(len(curve)), curve, alpha=0.1, color=colors[i])
xmax = max(xmax, np.argmax(timescales[:m] < lag))
plt.hlines(lag, 0, m, linestyles='--', label='Lag')
plt.xlabel('Process index')
plt.ylabel('Implied timescale')
# integrated kinetic content plot
for i, (name, timescales) in enumerate(timescales_list):
curve = np.cumsum(timescales)[:m]
plt.plot(curve, color=colors[i], label=name)
plt.fill_between(range(len(curve)), curve, alpha=0.1, color=colors[i])
plt.xlabel('# of processes')
plt.ylabel('Integrated kinetic content\n(Cumulative sum of implied timescales)')
In [351]:
neural_tica = pyemma.coordinates.tica(neural_proj, lag=lag, dim=2)
neural_msm = build_msm(neural_proj, lag = lag)
neural_tica_msm = build_msm(neural_tica.get_output(), lag = lag)
standard_tica = pyemma.coordinates.tica(X, lag=lag, dim=2)
tica_msm = build_msm([x[:,:m] for x in standard_tica.get_output()], lag = lag)
timescales_list = [('Neural adaptive MSM', neural_msm.timescales()),
('Neural adaptive tICA-based MSM', neural_tica_msm.timescales()),
('Standard tICA-based MSM', tica_msm.timescales()),
#('Standard tICA', standard_tica.timescales)
In [ ]:
In [352]:
compare_timescales(timescales_list, m=200)
Here we construct a "pathological" toy example where tICA won't help us much, because the dominant eigenfunctions have no correlation with any linear function of $X$.
Construction: Two nonconvex, isotropic clusters in 2D, with very slow transitions between the clusters, but instantaneous mixing within the clusters. Also, the cluster both have the same mean.
Difficulty: Because the relaxation process can't be expressed as a linear combination of the input features, tICA will be unable to estimate a
Regardless, this is an easy problem for MSMs!
In [339]:
# sample from this process
eps = 0.001
P = np.eye(2)*(1 - eps)
P[0,1] = eps
P[1,0] = eps
msm = pyemma.msm.markov_model(P)
dtraj = msm.simulate(100000)
def normalize(x): return x / np.linalg.norm(x)
X = [np.array([(1+0.05*np.random.randn())*(d+1)*normalize(np.random.randn(2)) for d in dtraj])]
In [11]:
plt.scatter(X[0][:,0], X[0][:,1], linewidths=0, c=dtraj)
In [12]:
m = 2
lag = 1
adaptive_vac = NeuralApproximatePropagator(lag = lag, m = m, minibatch_size=50)
In [13]:
# tica of neural basis functions
neural_proj = adaptive_vac.predict(X)
neural_tica = pyemma.coordinates.tica(neural_proj, lag=lag, dim=2)
X_tica = neural_tica.get_output()
X_tica_ = np.vstack(X_tica) * 10
# multiplied by 10 because matplotlib doesn't like to plot axes with very small amounts of variation
c = X_tica_[:,0]
plt.title('Projection onto nonlinear approximate eigenfunctions')
plt.scatter(X_tica_[:,0], X_tica_[:,1], c=c,
linewidths=0, s = 1, cmap='Spectral')
# tica of raw basis functions
tica = pyemma.coordinates.tica(X, lag=lag, dim=2)
X_tica = tica.get_output()
X_tica_ = np.vstack(X_tica) * 10
plt.title('Projection onto linear approximate eigenfunctions\n(Colored by NC1)')
plt.scatter(X_tica_[:,0], X_tica_[:,1], c=c,
linewidths=0, s = 1, cmap='Spectral')
Here we slightly modify the previous toy example, by shiting the mean of one of the clusters slightly in the x direction.
This will allow tICA to pick up a slow relaxation timescale in one direction.
This would be an absolute worst-case scenario for the pipeline approach, since the metric learned by kinetic-maps tICA or commute-maps tICA would "squash" (or discard) the remaining direction.
In [14]:
# sample from this process
eps = 0.001
P = np.eye(2)*(1 - eps)
P[0,1] = eps
P[1,0] = eps
msm = pyemma.msm.markov_model(P)
dtraj = msm.simulate(100000)
def normalize(x): return x / np.linalg.norm(x)
X = np.array([(1+0.05*np.random.randn())*(d+1)*normalize(np.random.randn(2))+(d==1)*np.array((0.4,0)) for d in dtraj])
## also corrupt 1% of observations?
#for i in range(int(len(dtraj)*0.01)):
# X[npr.randint(len(X))] = npr.randn(2)
## nahhh...
X = [X]
In [15]:
plt.scatter(X[0][:,0], X[0][:,1], linewidths=0, c=dtraj, s=1, cmap='Spectral')
In [16]:
m = 2
lag = 1
adaptive_vac = NeuralApproximatePropagator(lag = lag, m = m, minibatch_size=100)
In [17]:
In [18]:
# tica of neural basis functions
neural_proj = adaptive_vac.predict(X)
neural_tica = pyemma.coordinates.tica(neural_proj, lag=lag, dim=2)
X_tica = neural_tica.get_output()
X_tica_ = np.vstack(X_tica)
c = X_tica_[:,0]
plt.title('Projection onto nonlinear approximate eigenfunctions')
plt.scatter(X_tica_[:,0], X_tica_[:,1], c=c,
linewidths=0, s = 1, cmap='Spectral')
# tica of raw basis functions
tica = pyemma.coordinates.tica(X, lag=lag, dim=2)
X_tica = tica.get_output()
X_tica_ = np.vstack(X_tica) * 10
plt.title('Projection onto linear approximate eigenfunctions\n(Colored by NC1)')
plt.scatter(X_tica_[:,0], X_tica_[:,1], c=c,
linewidths=0, s = 1, cmap='Spectral')
In [19]:
In [20]:
In [21]:
In [22]:
m = 2 hidden_layer_dims = [256, 64] nonlinearity=lambda x:np.maximum(0, x)
In [7]:
import numpy as np
n_states = 10
P = np.eye(n_states, n_states)
In [4]:
def metastable_matrix(n_states, eps=0.01): return np.eye(n_states, n_states)*(1-eps) + eps
def cube_example():
# 3 separate 2x2 markov matrices for transitions in each axis
In [ ]:
class LowRankGaussianModel():
def __init__(self, input_dim, latent_dim, n_centers):
self.input_dim = input_dim
self.latent_dim = latent_dim
def initialize_params():
def unpack_params():
In [33]:
class LinearModel():
'''f_theta(x) = (x + b)A
theta = {A, b}
x \in R^D
b \in R^D
A \in R^{D x d}
def __init__(self, input_dim, latent_dim):
self.input_dim = input_dim
self.latent_dim = latent_dim
def initialize(self):
self.A = np.random.randn(self.input_dim, self.latent_dim)
self.b = np.random.randn(self.input_dim)
self.num_params = np.prod(self.A.shape) + self.input_dim
def parse_params(self, params):
d = np.prod(self.A.shape)
A = params[:d].reshape(self.A.shape)
b = params[d:]
return A, b
def params(self):
return np.concatenate([self.A.flatten(), self.b])
def predict(self, params, x):
A, b = self.parse_params(params)
return np.dot(x+b, A)
In [86]:
class PartitionOfUnityModel():
def __init__(self, dimension, n_centers):
self.dimension = dimension
self.n_centers = n_centers
def initialize(self):
self.means = np.random.randn(self.n_centers, self.dimension)
self.covariances = np.vstack([np.eye(self.dimension, self.dimension)] * self.n_centers)
self.num_params = np.prod(self.means.shape) + np.prod(self.covariances.shape)
def parse_params(self, params):
d = np.prod(self.means.shape)
means, covariances = params[:d].reshape(self.means.shape), params[d:].reshape(self.covariances.shape)
return means, covariances
def params(self):
return np.concatenate([self.means.flatten(), self.covariances.flatten()])
def predict(self, params, x):
means, covariances = self.parse_params(params)
log_densities = np.array([mvn.logpdf(x, means[i], covariances[i]) for i in range(len(means))])
# return np.exp(log_densities) # if we don't care about these being membership functions
Z = logsumexp(log_densities)
return np.exp(log_densities - Z)
In [87]:
x = {'x':1, 'y':2}
In [123]:
class PartitionOfUnityModel():
def __init__(self, dimension, n_components, init_scale=0.1):
self.dimension = dimension
self.n_components = n_components
def initialize(self, init_scale):
self.params = {
'means': np.random.randn(self.n_components, self.dimension) * init_scale,
'lower triangles': np.zeros((self.n_components, self.dimension, self.dimension)) + np.eye(self.dimension)}
self.num_params = sum([np.prod(param.shape) for param in self.params.values()])
def parse_params(self, params):
return params['means'], params['lower triangles']
def params(self):
return np.concatenate([self.params[key].flatten() for key in ['means', 'lower triangles']])
def predict(self, params, x):
means, cov_sqrts = self.parse_params(params)
log_densities = np.array([mvn.logpdf(x, means[i], np.dot(cov_sqrts[i].T, cov_sqrts[i])) for i in range(len(means))])
# return np.exp(log_densities).T # if we don't care about these being membership functions
Z = logsumexp(log_densities, axis=0)
return np.exp(log_densities - Z).T
In [173]:
class IsotropicGaussianModel():
def __init__(self, dimension, n_components, init_scale=0.1):
self.dimension = dimension
self.n_components = n_components
def initialize(self, init_scale):
self.means = np.random.randn(self.n_components, self.dimension) * init_scale
self.params = self.means
self.num_params = np.prod(means.shape)
def predict(self, params, x):
return np.exp(- np.array([np.sum((x - mean)**2,1) for mean in params])).T
In [163]:
class IsotropicPartitionOfUnityModel():
''' special case of PartitionOfUnityModel, where the covariances are all identity matrices
PartitionOfUnityModel was unusably slow -- I suspect the culprit is in the mvn.logpdf function?
In any case, we might want to compose this with a MLP, so that we try to find a low-dimensional embedding where
the metastable basins are well approximated by isotropic Gaussians.
I guess I could also accomplish this by just having an RBF layer at the end
def __init__(self, dimension, n_components, init_scale=0.1):
self.dimension = dimension
self.n_components = n_components
def initialize(self, init_scale):
self.params = {
'means': np.random.randn(self.n_components, self.dimension) * init_scale}
self.num_params = sum([np.prod(param.shape) for param in self.params.values()])
def parse_params(self, params):
return params['means']
def params(self):
return self.params['means']
def predict(self, params, x):
means = self.parse_params(params)
log_densities = - np.array([np.sum((x - mean)**2,1) for mean in means])
# return np.exp(log_densities).T # if we don't care about these being membership functions
Z = logsumexp(log_densities, axis=0)
return np.exp(log_densities - Z).T
In [ ]:
# now we can compose models
class Sequential():
''' each model needs to have a `.num_params` attribute, a `.params` property, and a `.predict(params, x)` method '''
def __init__(self, models):
self.models = models
def parse_params(self, params):
param_list = []
t = 0
for i in range(len(models)):
param_list.append(params[t : t+models[i].num_params])
t += models[i].num_params
return param_list
def params(self):
return np.concatenate([model.params for model in self.models])
def predict(self, params, x):
param_list = self.parse_params(params)
for i in range(len(self.models)): x = model[i].predict(param_list[i], x)
return x
In [159]:
x = np.ones((1000,2))
means = np.ones((10,2))
log_densities = - np.array([np.sum((x - mean)**2,1) for mean in means])
log_densities.shape # should be of size 1000 by 10?
In [ ]:
In [124]:
x = np.ones((100,2))
In [125]:
In [126]:
pou = PartitionOfUnityModel(2, 10)
x = np.random.randn(1000,2)
pou.predict(pou.params, x).shape
In [127]:
x = np.random.randn(1000,38)
model.predict(model.params, x).shape
In [146]:
class ApproximatePropagator():
'''Accepts an arbitrary differentiable model.
The model needs to have a method `model.predict(params, X)`
def __init__(self,
lag = 10,
minibatch_size = 5000,
model :
lag : lag-time for estimation
minibatch_size : number of time-lagged observation pairs per minibatch
special case:
- should recover tICA if model is a linear transformation
self.lag = lag
self.minibatch_size = minibatch_size
self.model = model
def rayleigh_quotient(self, X_0_minus_tau, X_tau):
'''trace of P Q^{-1}
- $P_{ij} = \mathbb{E}_{x \sim \pi(x)}[f_i(x) \cdot (\mathcal{P} \circ f_j(x))]$ and
- $Q_{ij} = \mathbb{E}_{x \sim \pi(x)}[f_i(x) \cdot f_j(x)]$.'''
P = np.dot(X_0_minus_tau.T, X_tau) / len(X_tau)
Q = np.dot(X_0_minus_tau.T, X_0_minus_tau) / len(X_0_minus_tau)
return np.trace(np.dot(P, np.linalg.inv(Q)))
def fit(self, X, num_iters = 1000, step_size = 0.001, report_interval = 100):
stacked_X = np.vstack([x[:-self.lag] for x in X])
stacked_Y = np.vstack([x[self.lag:] for x in X])
dim = X[0].shape[1]
def objective(params, iter):
''' minibatch estimator of -log(rayleigh quotient) '''
inds = np.arange(len(stacked_X))
inds = inds[:self.minibatch_size]
x = self.model.predict(params, stacked_X[inds])
y = self.model.predict(params, stacked_Y[inds])
return - np.log(self.rayleigh_quotient(x, y))
# Get gradient of objective using autograd!
objective_grad = grad(objective)
print(" Epoch | Rayleigh Quotient")
def save_params_and_print_perf(params, iter, gradient):
self.params = params
if iter % report_interval == 0:
x = self.model.predict(params, stacked_X)
y = self.model.predict(params, stacked_Y)
rq = self.rayleigh_quotient(x, y)
print("{:15}|{:20}".format(iter//report_interval, rq))
init_params = self.model.params
self.params = adam(objective_grad, init_params, step_size=step_size,
num_iters=num_iters, callback=save_params_and_print_perf)
return self
def transform(self, X):
return [self.model.predict(self.params, x) for x in X]
In [147]:
model = LinearModel(input_dim=X[0].shape[1], latent_dim=2)
In [148]:
adaptive_vac = ApproximatePropagator(model, lag=lag)
In [53]:
adaptive_vac.fit(X, num_iters=5000)
In [56]:
X_nc = adaptive_vac.transform(X)
In [ ]:
In [61]:
tica = pyemma.coordinates.tica(X, lag=lag)
X_tica = tica.transform(X)
In [62]:
tica_tica = pyemma.coordinates.tica(X_tica, lag=lag)
In [63]:
tica_nc = pyemma.coordinates.tica(X_nc, lag=lag)
In [ ]:
# hmm, so that indicates there's a bit of a problem! the objective I'm optimizing isn't quite correct...
In [68]:
x = np.vstack(X_nc)
plt.scatter(x[:,0], x[:,1], linewidths=0)
x = np.vstack(tica_nc.get_output())
plt.scatter(x[:,0], x[:,1], linewidths=0)
x = np.vstack(X_tica)
plt.scatter(x[:,0], x[:,1], linewidths=0)
In [67]:
In [149]:
# here, let's just say we have a projection we can use
tica = pyemma.coordinates.tica(X, lag=lag, dim=2)
X_tica = tica.transform(X)
In [152]:
n_clusters = 10
d = X_tica[0].shape[1]
pou = PartitionOfUnityModel(d, n_clusters)
adaptive_vac = ApproximatePropagator(pou, lag=lag)
adaptive_vac.fit(X_tica, num_iters=10, report_interval = 1, step_size=0.1)
In [166]:
n_clusters = 4
d = X_tica[0].shape[1]
pou = IsotropicPartitionOfUnityModel(d, n_clusters)
adaptive_vac = ApproximatePropagator(pou, lag=lag)
adaptive_vac.fit(X_tica, num_iters=100, report_interval = 1, step_size=0.1)
In [169]:
x = np.vstack(X_tica)
plt.hexbin(x[:,0], x[:,1], bins='log', cmap='Blues')
centers = adaptive_vac.model.params['means']
plt.scatter(centers[:,0], centers[:,1])
In [171]:
X_nc = adaptive_vac.transform(X_tica)
In [ ]:
# nope, it's just really slow, even when I use a different function for the gaussian density...
# is it because of weird dependency structure introduced by the logsumexp step? I don't understand
# why this is so much more expensive than MLP updates...
# also, looks like the partition of unity model may be harder to train, since it only needs each center
# to be slightly closer to the metastable basing than the others?
# should revisit later
# we can always get a crisp partitioning later, by taking the argmax...
In [178]:
n_clusters = 4
d = X_tica[0].shape[1]
model = IsotropicGaussianModel(d, n_clusters)
adaptive_vac = ApproximatePropagator(model, lag=lag)
adaptive_vac.fit(X_tica, num_iters=100, report_interval = 1, step_size=1.0)
In [177]:
x = np.vstack(X_tica)
plt.hexbin(x[:,0], x[:,1], bins='log', cmap='Blues')
centers = adaptive_vac.model.means
plt.scatter(centers[:,0], centers[:,1])
In [ ]: